zlzmain Keine Kommentare

Indické ministerstvo poľnohospodárstva vydalo výnos regulujúci import drevených obalov. Pravidlo je účinné od 01.04.2004.
Podľa tohto pravidla každá zásielka importovaná do Indie letecky alebo námorne potrebuje Fytosanitárny certifikát (certifikát vydaný v predpísanej forme podľa medzinárodného dohovoru o ochrane rastlín) z krajiny pôvodu, ak výrobok bol zabalený do materiálu rastlinného pôvodu používaného pre balenie vrátane sena, slamy, drevených hoblín, drevených triesok, pilín, dreveného odpadu, drevených paliet, drevených kontajnerov atď.
Ďalšie informácie uvádzame v pôvodnom znení.

Indian Government Wood Packaging Import Restrictions
The Government of India, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture has notified the following Order for the purpose of prohibiting and regulating the Import into India of agricultural articles with effect from 01st Apr 2004.
The new rule will be effective 1st day of April 2004 The Order may be called Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India)Order 2003.
„All consignments being imported into India by air and sea require a phytosanitory certificate from the country of origin if articles have been packed with packaging materials. This is mandatory. “
(i) „Packing material“means any kind of material of plant origin used for packing which include hay, straw, wood shavings, wood chips, saw dust, wood waste, wooden pallets, dunnage mats, wooden packages, coir pith, peat or sphagnum moss etc.
Definition of the Sub Clause 22.
No article packed with packaging materials shall be released by the proper officers of customs unless the consignment is accompanied by a phytosanitory certificate in respect of said packing material.
Provided that if no phytosanitory certificate is furnished in respect of said packaging material, the proper officer of customs shall grant out of charge only after clearance is obtained from local plant quarantine authorities, who shall grant clearance from the quarantine angle and may, if deemed fit, subject the said packaging material to treatment at the expense of the importer.
Provided further nothing contained in this clause shall be applicable to packaging materials in respect of bonafide passenger containing goods other than plants and plant products.
If the Phytosanitory certificate does not accompany the shipment penalty is to be paid to Customs. The procedure for obtaining permission and clearance from Customs / Local quarantine authorities is extremely expensive, cumbersome and lengthy.
Besides shipments / consignments will accrue demurrage / detention which will all be at the cost of the Shipper/importer.
It is also not guaranteed that Express will be successful in obtaining the necessary permission and documents on arrival. It is purely at the discretion of the Government of India.
Definitions – In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires.
(ii) „Additional declaration“means a statement that is required by an importing country to be entered in a phytosanitary certificate and which provides specific additional information pertinent to phytosanitary condition of a consignment;
(iii) „consignment“means a quantity of seeds, plants and plant products or any regulated article consigned from one party to other at any one time shipment and covered by a phytosanitary certificate, bill of entry of customs, shipping/airway bill or invoice;
(iv) „Packing material“means any kind of material of plant origin used for packing which include hay, straw, wood shavings, wood chips, saw dust, wood waste, wooden pallets, dunnage mats, wooden packages, coir pith, peat or sphagnum moss etc. (v) „Phytosanitary certificate“means a certificate issued in the model format prescribed under the International Plant protection Convention of the Food & Agricultural Organization and issued by an authorized officer at the country of origin of consignment or re-export;
(vi) „Timber“means a form of dead wood, log and lumber cut from plants, with or without bark or sawn and sized, which is used for manufacturing veneer, plywood, particle or chip board and making building, furniture, packages, pallets, sports goods and handicrafts;
General Conditions for Import
3. Permits for Import of plants, plant products etc.
1) No consignment of plants and plant products and other regulated articles (hereinafter referred to as „consignments“) shall be imported into India without a valid permit issued under this Order.
2) No categories of plant materials in respect of the plant species or variety mentioned in schedule IV shall be allowed to imported into India from countries mentioned against each in column (4) of the said Schedule.
3) Every application for a permit under this clause shall be made at least one month in advance to the Issuing Authority for imports of plants and plant products for consumption and processing.
Permit for Import of Timber
(1) No consignment of timber shall be permitted import unless the following conditions and requirements are met with, namely:-
(a) The Timber shall be stripped of its bark, either be squared or rounded and accompanied by an official statement that the wood has been appropriately fumigated / treated and such treatment shall be endorsed in the phytosanitary certificate issued at the country of origin or re-export, as the case may be;
For more information on the above issue, kindly visit

Ing. Michalička

Aktualizované dňa: 16.04.2004 16:25:39